Can not be denied at the time of this rapidly growing, the need for many things is absolutely necessary. Development in different areas has made people more creative, innovative and selective. Creative and innovative in creating new things and selective in choosing new something.
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sudah punya mobile koq :D mobile # mobil
tumbas nooo mas ya ... hape ku nge-drop an iki ... ha ha haaaaaaaa
Mantab cekali
nek ngereview ojo angel-angel, ceritoo sak karepmu.. nek menurutku, ceritomu kuwi terlalu angel dan serius.
wocoen reviewku, renyah khan??
@ rental : kasih no aku satu lo xixixi
@ olip : jangan khawatir entar tak tumbasno kok
@ wong deso : apanya?
@ ndop : setiyap orang punya karakter berbeda mas. aku emoh mas, mengko nek renyah disanggo krupuk wakakaka
wew.. duit ngalir teruuss.. aku ja gak pernah diaprove malah
@ aearc : kurang doa dan amalnya mungkin mas. cepet tobat dulu kekeke